You can break my body… but you can’t break my spirit.

Frank McGrath’s story is part tragic and part inspiring. Suffering from a major bodybuilding injury and later a car crash that put his professional bodybuilding career on hold, McGrath didn’t give up and worked his way back into competing again. Where many others would have called it quits – McGrath found the strength to recover.

Makaveli Motivation has put together a stellar bodybuilding motivation video showcasing the indomitable will and spirit of Frank McGrath. It’s the kind of willpower that all pro bodybuilders and champions must have. It’s the kind of willpower ANYONE must have to transform themselves, whether it be from injury or just a desire to better one’s physique and quality of life.

Bad things happen but the true spirit behind bodybuilding is not physical strength but emotional and mental strength. The ability to put the work in day in and day out to make the physique and life you want to lead. Frank McGrath is a shining example of that and this video should inspire you to do the same. Check it out above!

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