Watch Mike Rashid And Flex Wheeler Kill It In The Gym

Mike and Flex are wrecking things in the gym.

When it comes to the 90’s era of bodybuilding there are few people who haven’t heard the name Flex Wheeler. The man was one of the most shredded bodybuilders to ever compete and had the potential to be Mr. Olympia. It was unfortunate that Dorian Yates was competing at the same time as Wheeler (Or fortunate depending on who’s side you’re on). To many he should have been considered a shoe-in to win the past Olympia competition, but Yates’ freaky size would prove too much for the talented competitor to overcome. Nevertheless, Flex is an all time great who has garnered tons of respect over the years.

Mike Rashid is a pretty well respected man in the bodybuilding and fitness community as well and is known for his impressive physique and his tell it like it is personality. When Mike Rashid is in the gym you can bet that he’ll be pushing himself to the limit and proving that he can lift with the best of them. Recently Flex and Mike teamed up for a training video that shows the two training chest at CT Fletcher’s Iron Addicts Gym. Watch what it takes to make the kind of gains Rashid and Wheeler are known for.

Where do you think Flex Wheeler ranks among the greatest bodybuilders of all time? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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