Ric Drasin touches on training for strength vs training for bodybuilding.

There’s so many different methods of weight training methods advertised on the internet that sometimes it can be a daunting task of picking the right one. But for an old school bodybuilder like Ric Drasin, picking a method is a fairly simple task.

While some people may use scientific methods to aid in their training, other seasoned bodybuilders like Ric Drasin himself use their experiences as references for the perfect training regimen. Some people may call that bro science, but in reality, we have to consider what really works and what is just conjecture.

The recent episode of Ric’s Corner tackles the ideas of heavy weight training for strength and higher volume for bodybuilding. While both are certainly related, in order to train specifically for each style, you must follow a program that targets both areas separately. Luckily, Ric Drasin has a wealth of experience to detail how you should train for strength and how to train for bodybuilding.

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