Bodybuilding Motivation: Planning for a backup is planning to fail.

Denzel Washington is one of the greatest modern actors in the world – and his powerful and passionate voice has been inspiring to millions ever since he was first noticed on the big screen. It makes sense then, that one of the best bodybuilding motivation videos of the year (so far) comes in the form of a Denzel Washington speech supercut to dramatic footage and music.

Bodybuilding is repetitive and challenging. It requires great willpower and perseverance to succeed. Motivation is a large part in keeping that willpower strong and keeping the fight alive every single day. So make sure to add this motivational video to your favorites or put it into a playlist. Save it so that you can access this and listen to this every time you need an inspiration boost before hitting the gym. Check it out in the video above!

If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Alex Kalts Motivation’s offiical YouTube channel right here.

Strength Wars Movie