Stephanie Ayala proves strong is sexy.
There are a great deal of bodybuilding fans who appreciate what the male athletes accomplish, neglecting the same kind of diligent hard work women put into their craft. Yes, it’s true that men who build massively muscled physique are going to get a bunch of attention based purely on their ability to stand out in a crowd. The freak factor is real in bodybuilding, there’s no doubt. But that doesn’t mean the women shouldn’t be appreciated for their own physiques.
Enter Stephanie Ayala.
A WBFF Pro World Champion Fitness Model, Stephanie Ayala has built a physique that is eye catching in a number of ways. Firstly, she has built a very well muscled physique that is at once strong yet entirely feminine. Her proportions are strong and well balanced. But to be frank, aesthetically she is just beautiful to look at like a work of art.
But Stephanie Ayala wasn’t just born this way. She put in the hard work and devoted herself to making a change to her physique proving that she has an incredible work ethic, the same kind of work ethic that has made her a champion.
Through her hard work, diligent training, and strong work ethic, Stephanie Ayala is definitely earning that Woman Crush Wednesday title.
Is Stephanie Ayala your WCW?
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to keep up with his antics.