Exercise is key to recovery.
The road to recovery is never an easy journey, whether you are a person with an injury sustained in an accident, operation or addiction. In all three of these cases having a regular workout will assist the body to heal. No, we aren’t asking you to sign on for the next marathon just yet.
It is Important to consult with your doctor before you start your routine. A doctor should be able to tell you which exercises to stay away from permanently and which ones to start off with. For example, one of the side effects of cocaine abuse is heart arrhythmia, running could cause further harm.
In the first two cases above you will need to ensure that your new exercise routine will not affect the injured part of the body. In the case of recovery from addiction, your body is already under stress from your withdrawal symptoms which can be really painful, so you don’t want to overexert yourself. If you have ever been for drug tests with urine, you know firsthand that drugs affect your entire body.
Your mind and your moods are affected. When you take drugs you’re adding a foreign chemical to your body and while it feels great at the time it wreaks havoc to your system.
Exercise can be a great way to kick start the natural chemicals for recovery in your body. Your new routine will also help your body to release the toxins faster. Having just finished rehab, creating a new routine with different forms of exercise throughout your week will also help to create a new structured lifestyle.
Exercise can be a healthy form of distraction. When cravings start, getting up and moving around will help to take your mind off it and prevent you from filling the gap with another bad habit. Eat healthy foods. Just as people who quit smoking sometimes play with pens or keep paper clips in their pockets to keep their hands busy and chew gum or carrot sticks to keep their mouth busy until the craving for a cigarette passes.
An Exercise routine is a great form of stress relief. Simple exercises can help to release feel-good chemicals, serotonin and endorphins, making you feel calmer and happier. This will help to alleviate depression. The movement will keep your body and mind engaged in the activity. The key is to try something that you will enjoy doing even if it is a little difficult at first. It builds your physical strength and reduces your risk of chronic diseases.
Exercise helps to build your confidence. How? Exercise helps to get the blood flowing to the different parts of your body. The increased blood flow will get more oxygen to your body. Your hair will start to look better. Your skin improves. Most drug users lose weight, this will be a great way to get your body looking and feeling healthy again. You have more energy. The more you exercise the more energy you have.
If you decided to join a gym, you start to make friends. You can sign up for different classes, light weight training, kickboxing, yoga, tai chi, swimming. The variety will keep you interested. Talking to people with similar interests in keeping fit and eating healthy is a great way to have a positive support circle around you. Join a running or hiking club. There are few things in the world that will make you feel as good as a walk in nature or a run on the beach.
Like I have mentioned before, it does not have to be complicated. Start simple. Try some stretching exercises.
It helps improve the quality of your sleep. One of the most important requirements for a healthy body and mind is your sleep. This should help to keep your mind clearer. Great way to burn off negative energy.
When someone goes through addiction their families go through a lot of strain and pain as well. While healing these relationships may be a long road, exercise could be a great way to reconnect. Taking family hiking trips and a picnic there after could prove to be a great relaxed environment to start enjoying each other company again. Going for a daily jog with your partner will also count as a way to reconnect and support each other through this. Trying something new together such as a dance class could be fun and exciting.
Exercise has become popular as part of the aftercare treatment. With all the benefits mentioned above, the greatest one should be, that it decreases the chances of relapse. When we have put in so much effort to start over, we all know that a moment of weakness can prove to be disastrous, but if we are feeling happier and healthier, in those moments we may turn to a better coping strategy like going to the gym or a session instead. Keep fit and keep healthy.
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Ruby J. Franke is a freelance blogger at noncouont.com and a mother. Ruby loves to read articles online and write about family, fitness, food, cooking, relationships and more.