The immortal.
There are so many individuals who take up bodybuilding training purely for the aesthetic benefits and why not. After all, the whole endeavor is to create what a person believes to be the perfect physique. That answer will always be different for every individual which is what makes bodybuilding a unique endeavor. But at some point, weight lifting and bodybuilding becomes more than just for aesthetics. If an individual wishes to stay young and as healthy as possible then they need to maintain the lifestyle they led when they were looking to build massive muscle. Where Stan ‘The Rhino’ Efferding is concerned, bodybuilding has become his fountain of youth.
Dubbed “The World’s Strongest Bodybuilder” and one of the more respected individuals in the industry, Stan Efferding is a beast of a man who has competed in high level IFBB competitions. But not only has Stan competed in IFBB competitions, he’s also competed in high level powerlifting events as well. ‘The Rhino’ wasn’t gifted the moniker of world’s strongest. He earned the title to be called the strongest bodybuilder through a lifestyle of hard work and a healthy balanced diet.
At age 49 ‘The Rhino’ isn’t getting younger. But at the same time it would appear that he isn’t getting older either. Take a look at the Instagram post below that features a before and after picture of Stan ‘The Rhino’ Efferding seven years apart. Try to guess which is from the past and which pic is of the present.
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