Impressive showing in Zimbabwe.
The Zimbabwe Nationals birthed a new champion in South Africa-based bodybuilder Ndumiso Dhlodhlo, who overcame the returning three-time Mr Zimbabwe champion Chienderamwano in the senior men overall contest. In the women’s contest, Bulawayo-based Shantel Greenland-Batch dominated the women beach bikini. Dailynews sat down with the national Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (NFBBF) Secretary General Quiet Shangai to discuss the contest.
When asked what he drew from the experience, Shangai was more than happy to share the event’s background.
“Every person who participates at the nationals or in the system is simply doing it on a voluntary basis. I mean everyone, that is the athletes, the judges and the administrators. We should also appreciate the fans that also came all the way from places like South Africa and Botswana with an objective of making these fights great….A lot of lessons were learnt. We need partners to implement our development strategy.”
Next Shangai commented on potential growth in the industry:
“The fitness industry is so broad and can have many participants who can contribute to its sustainability. The most important thing is for the potential participants and current participants to understand he potential that this industry has…In any industry there is politics, misinformation and misrepresentation of facts, but that should not be the core business. The core business must be to develop a particular industry and let its participants flourish. It is a simple as that.”
Shangai also described his simple vision for the place of NFZBBF in the industry:
“Increased participation my friend. We need a sound stakeholder relationship management model. We need to engage all like minded people who want to grow the sport and develop it. In every society there are passionate and honest people. There will be geniuses and people who are good at interrogating policies and systems. There are visionaries and runners who will always be there/ let us embrace them and develop the sport we all love. On the other hand there are vindictive and dishonest people. Let us understand them because the society will be incomplete without those people. They define certain characteristics. Let us educate them if we can. We are all in the sport because we love it. Let us try to get the best out of ourselves in order to be who we want to be. Thank You!”
Inspiring and wise words from Shangai. We look forward to his next show.
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