Don’t Believe These Top 4 Bodybuilding Food Myths

Not everything you’ve heard is true.

When you’re a bodybuilder food choice is paramount. It can make or break your gains depending on what you choose. Sure, you could go the route of eating nothing but protein. Protein means muscle building after all doesn’t it. Just get some steak and tuna and chicken in your system. That’s all you’ll ever need right? Wrong. Well contrary to popular belief protein isn’t the only thing you need in your diet.

People like to pretend that after hearing a few things about nutrition that they’re experts, but really, they’re just falling victim to popular food myths without hearing the facts. It makes us wonder: what other food myths are people falling for?

Myth 1: Low-Fat Foods = Healthy

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This one is perhaps the most misunderstood myth of them all. People think that if you take fat out of your diet that you’re going to see major fat loss when in reality this is far from the truth. Fat is a nutrient that is important to your gains for a couple of reasons. One, it helps you to absorb certain minerals you derive from different foods and supplements. Fat is also key to testosterone production which is going to boost your gains tremendously. Many processed foods that are branded low-fat can be filled with refined carbohydrates and sugars which can be pretty harmful when consumed in large amounts. Don’t cut fat out your diet and think you’re going to look like an Adonis, it’s just not going to happen. Get some omega-3s or some hardboiled eggs into your diet to get some healthy fats into diet.

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