These are not your run of the mill gyms.
Going into the same gym, day in, day out, can inspire two effects: Either you have a feeling of home or you sit down and wonder what other places are out there to experience. Everyone can hit your average gym, weight racks set up in front of large mirrors, the same guy hogging the bench press while you’re waiting for your turn. Sometimes you just need a change in scenery. Sometimes you need to have a brand new experience. Well we let our imagination run wild – and picked out the top four craziest gyms that really exist in the world. Seriously, this will shake up that humdrum feeling of repetitiveness. Maybe too much.
Makeshift Gym – Brazil
Talk about old school gyms, the makeshift gym located on Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro is a true throw back to the days of bodybuilding with just the bare necessities. You can enjoy the beach atmosphere and enjoy the views while pumping up with unorthodox stone weights.