5 Questions A Bodybuilder Should Ask Themselves Before Joining Any Gym

#3 Cleanliness

Can you order a protein shake at this place, or more importantly, would you want to? If you get a rash every time you do a bench, or see the same wad of gum on the mirror from the week before, you might want to think about moving on. While I’m a huge fan of old school basement style gyms, most people want a fairly clean environment. Again, a matter of choice.

#4 Culture

While the gym is what you make of it, you want to look around and see if people seem generally happy to be there. At the end of the day when you buy into a gym you buy into the culture. whether it’s a crowd of pro builders or a crowd of teens using the pec deck incorrectly, You want to look around and observe your environment. Ask other patrons what they like about the gym and why they go there; then ask them what they would improve.

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