Ronnie Coleman And Phil Heath Join Forces For Big Pull Day Workout

Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heath got together for an epic pull day workout.
Ronnie Coleman YouTube

Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heath hit the gym together for the first time for a pull day workout.

Two legends, Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heath have combined to win an insane 15 Olympia titles during their illustrious career. Although retired, these two legends continue to train hard in the gym. In this post, we will detail 7x Mr. Olympia Phil Heath and 8x Mr. Olympia champion pull day workout.

During his career, Coleman totaled eight Olympia wins, which is tied for the most all-time with Lee Haney. He built a physique that was insanely muscular with great conditioning. The Men’s Open legend battled some other greats onstage, highlighted by his well known rivalry with Jay Cutler. Since retiring, Coleman has created a successful social media platform because of his combination of entertainment and interaction with fans.

Full Name: Ronnie Coleman (Men’s Open Bodybuilder)

Weight Height Date Of Birth
297 lbs 5’11″ 5/13/1964
Division Era Nationality
Men’s Open 1990s, 2000s American

Phil Heath totaled seven Olympia titles over the course of his career. Just like Ronnie and Jay, Phil Heath had an intense rivalry with Kai Greene. In 2020, he stepped on stage for the what seems to be the final time, but has been active in the gym ever since. During the 2020 show, Heath finished third and fans have been waiting for his return ever since.

Full Name: Phil Heath

Weight Height Date Of Birth
245-255 lbs lbs. 5’9’’ 12/18/1979
Division Era Nationality
Men’s Open 2000, 2010 American

Despite keeping his physique in championship shape, Heath ruled out a return in 2023 back in May. This does not mean that it is off the table for 2024. Heath has provided many updates showing off his progress to this point.

“They I was sitting next to in a programing class happened to have your picture on his laptop screen. When I first saw you, it was 2002-2003. By luck, I happened to see you and wondered ‘how do you get like that?'”

Phil Heath shared how he first saw Ronnie Coleman and it motivated him to get started in bodybuilding. Now, the two trained hard in the gym together in retirement.


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Ronnie Coleman & Phil Heath Pull Day Workout 

This workout took place during the 2023 Olympia weekend, which was a huge event that we saw a lot of stunning competitors. Ronnie Coleman recently shared the workout on his YouTube account.

The Workout

Converging Lat Pulldown

The first workout of the day was a variation of a lat pulldown. This workout got the back and lats engaged for an intense session before moving on.

“Lightweight, baby. Getting ready for that comeback,” Coleman said.

“They sure want it. I think they want it more after last night,” Heath responded.

Medium Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown

The second variation of a lat pulldown took place on the Panatta pulldown machine. This would be the final vertical pull before advancing to rows and some biceps. Ronnie Coleman discussed the pain he felt toward the end of his career, specifically during the  2007 Olympia.

“It was rough. I remember it like it was yesterday…It was not easy. It made the pain that much worse, when there’s no water in you. As soon as I posed, did my comparisons, I would sit down. I did not care, on stage. Behind it.”


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Seated Rows

Now that the lats were fired up, the duo wanted to work to add size and thickness to the back. The exact number of sets and reps was not shared but it looks as though they hit multiple using a plate-loaded machine.

Machine Biceps Curls

The final two exercises of the session were biceps and it began with machine bicep curls. This machine had an EZ bar attachment, allowing Coleman and Heath to perform the exercise at a precise angle.

Dumbbell Concentration Curls

The final exercise of the day was concentration curls using dumbbells. The duo completed multiple sets of this exercise, focusing on muscle contraction and overall form.

Check out the workout below:

Wrap Up

Overall, Phil Heath and Ronnie Coleman together is something that bodybuilding fans have been waiting to see for a long time! They are legends of the sport, and despite being long retired, still maintain great physiques.

Do you think Phil Heath will make a comeback?

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Greg Patuto
Greg has covered the four major sports for six years and has been featured on sites such as Sports Illustrated, Fox Sports, SB Nation,, and FanSided. Now, he is transitioning into the world of bodybuilding and strength sports.