Aaron Singerman shares his personal experience on how the COVID-19 pandemic affected RedCon1 and the sales of supplements.

Perseverance is the key word to focus on for the year 2020. That’s due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has swept the world and changed the way we do nearly everything. Businesses both local and corporate have been affected. Nearly every living person has faced a struggle due to the virus. Bodybuilding as a whole was not immune facing various competition cancellations and postponements. But how did it affect anther key industry in the sport – supplements? In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Aaron Singerman shares how the pandemic affected RedCon1. Giving some slight insight into how the industry as a whole has been affected.

The supplement industry is a key business in the world of bodybuilding. Hundreds upon hundreds of supplement companies have grown out of what was once a niche market. Now you can see supplements promoted in mainstream marketplaces. Even outside of bodybuilding, supplementation, diet, and nutrition has become huge around the world.

But with pandemic lockdowns closing gyms, stores, and taking jobs away from a lot of citizens across the globe has the supplement industry taken a hit? We asked this very question to owner of RedCon1 – Aaron Singerman. While there was some serious blowback due to the initial lockdowns in March through May of 2020, Singerman shares some surprisingly good news that speaks to the resiliency of the supplement market.

Aaron Singerman starts by saying that April and May were terrible months for RedCon1. He claims that at first they saw record sales in March. But this was followed by a serious decline in sales for the first time in the companies multi-year history. April and May saw serious blowback. Singerman attributes the initial March boost to customers buying mass quantities in bulk to make up for the impending lockdowns.

After the initial low sale markers in the spring months, things slowly improved through the summer up until today. Luckily, the supplement industry has largely gone direct to consumer via the internet. RedCon1 and many other big supplement companies no longer need brick and mortar stores to drive sales.

It seems once we gained more information about how the virus is transmitted, the lockdowns eased and shopping patterns shifted. If anything, shoppers shifted even more towards online shopping to prevent going out into public areas. This was something the supplement industry was well equipped to handle.

This also represents the larger picture we’ve been seeing in the world regarding the virus and the pandemic. We’ve become full adapted for years now to shopping online. The lockdowns simply gave us all a deeper push in that direction. While certain industries are taking a heavy hit – many others are thriving.

Overall, bodybuilding as a sport was able to ultimately have majority of its pro shows be rescheduled and run without a hitch. The Mr. Olympia weekend was just held without any outbreak or issue. The entire sport persevered. It seems the supplement side of the bodybuilding world was able to hold strong as well.

You can watch Aaron Singerman’s full comments in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above.

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