Generation Iron Arnold Schwarzenegger Howard Stern

Schwarzenegger terminates modern bodybuilding.

For anyone whose been paying attention, it’s pretty apparent that Arnold Schwarzenegger isn’t in love with the current methods of bodybuilding judging. Though he’s a supporter of the IFBB and the judging criteria that has been put in place, he believes that the bodybuilders of today are a bit too big and that physiques should return to the way they used to look during the Golden Era of bodybuilding.

It’s an opinion that many people share. The days of the well defined V taper and smaller more shredded physiques are gone. The sport is more in support of the mass monster than ever before. It’s a natural evolution of a sport that emphasizes improvements of the physical form. In order to set themselves apart from those that came before them, current day bodybuilders are more concerned with packing on size than ever before. Bodybuilding has been built up to be about spectacle, about competitors that are in such great shape that they appear to be like comic book characters in the flesh. Though they still manage to get shredded and maintain symmetry, their bodies do appear to be more unattainable by the average Joe, which may be the whole point of the endeavor in the first place.

Arnold recently was on the Howard Stern show to promote his upcoming film Terminator: Genysis, due to release next week. The man who is widely considered to be the greatest bodybuilder of all time weighed in on the current bodybuilding landscape, his reasons for competing, his thoughts on Lou Ferrigno as a bodybuilder and competitor, and the evolution of the sport.

Do you think Arnold is right about current bodybuilding physiques? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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