Generation Iron Ryan Watson

Check out this video of Ryan Watson training his legs and talking about his 2014 season.

Welcome back to our breakdown celebrating the iTunes release of the Generation Iron Directors Cut! Last week we talked about Samir Bannout, who stops by to show Hidetada some tips about posing for Olympia. Today, we look at another added scene – this time starring Ben Pakulski and NPC competitor Ryan Watson.

In the scene, B-Pak meets up with Ryan Watson for dinner at a sushi joint and muse about the mass amount of calories that bodybuilders need to consume (Ben claims to take in 7,000 calories during his off season).

Ryan Watson is a NPC competitor who actually started out as a pro football player. He has been a free agent for both the Tennessee Titans and Atlanta Falcons. Unfortunately his football career had to be cut short because of severe neck trauma.

Luckily, this did not mean the end of Ryan Watson – he turned to a new passion that allowed him to continue to improve his body without the dangerous (at least, not as dangerous) risks of being on the field.

He is now a bodybuilding competitor for the NPC and on the journey to earning his pro card. He also runs his own personal training company called Ryan Watson Fitness where he aspires to help people surpass their fitness goals through extensive education and experience.

Check out this training video and interview below:



Stop by later this week for another installment of Back in the Cut where we will continue to explore the extra scenes from the Generation Iron Directors Cut – which you can purchase right now on iTunes or from our official store. Stay pumped.

GI Team
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