From partying to bodybuilding.
Amelia Tank, age 26, is a communications manager and bodybuilder from London. Her astounding 5 foot 7 physique is making rounds in the news, fresh off back-to-back bodybuilding wins.
Last month Amelia was crowned winner in Bikini Tall and Miss Model category at the Miami Pro World Championships, and weeks later she won the Bikini Babe Tall category at Pure Elite.
Amelia told Daily Mail that she abandoned a life of partying and even family time to devote herself to bodybuilding. She works and lives out of her London flat, training twice a day three times a week and consuming 6 meals per day.
“My social life is at an all-time low while training and most nights I get into bed at 8.30pm to allow my muscles to grow – and have enough energy for my early starts before work. It has been really tough not going out with friends. Every year my family hosts an Easter party and the first comp was two weeks before but I knew I would be surrounded by food and prosecco.”
Amelia ran the London Marathon in 2013, but says that bodybuilding required a whole new level of dedication and isolation.
“There would be curry, plates of bread, a salad bar. It’s party food that I would have had if I didn’t compete. I was training weights six days a week followed by 15 minutes of cardio before coming back after work for evening cardio of 35 minutes, three times a week.”
She now consumes 1,900 calories a day, mainly from chicken breast, fillet steak, sweet potato, brown rice, fruit, nuts and protein shakes.
“When I have a busy day with back-to-back meetings you go for a session and it’s completely relaxing – it also separates home life from work life. I enjoy prepping meals and routines because it gives me focus and a plan – as it makes me feel like I have everything in order and puts my mind at peace.”
Amelia’s next competition will be her pro debut at the Pure Elite World Championship this November.
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