Generation Iron Sadik Shred

Let the shredding begin.

The Classic Physique division is here and it premiered with little fanfare. Though many have been anticipating the newly minted division for some time now, yet since it premiered at the Arnold Classic, not many fans have been talking about the division. Perhaps it’s because the competitors weren’t very impressive? That certainly isn’t the case. Maybe people forgot about the division entirely? That seems highly unlikely. So what exactly could it be?

Perhaps the division is missing star power.

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Every division needs a champion with some charisma and tons of potential and influence. And that is where Sadik Hadzovic comes in.

Sadik has the kind of star power that the division needs and when the time comes for him to make his debut, from the looks at things Hadzovic will dominate. Sadik has already gone through his bulking phase, now it looks like the former Men’s Physique pro is beginning his cutting phase. Check it out.

Every meal, every rep, every workout, every muscle contraction is either contributing or contaminating your ability to reach your dream body, your dream job and life goals. Success and results are not earned overnight; you need to take action to start making progress and changes that will allow you to moving forward and get you one step closer to acquiring the success you’ve visualized for years. Only YOU can decide that you want to make things happen. It’s not just about putting in the hours, it’s about what you are doing with those hours you’re putting in. – Ask yourself what are you doing to get yourself one step closer to your goal? If you need help in the right direction with diet and training or want to get ready for a show then email me and let’s work! [email protected]

A video posted by Sadik Hadzovic (@sadikhadzovic) on

Do you think Sadik will dominate?

How many reps do you put down in the gym? Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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Strength Wars Movie

GI Team
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