vahid moradi motivation headerNo excuses.

Bodybuilding can be a tireless endeavor. You have to train day in and day out adhering to a strict and disciplined diet in the hopes of building quality muscle mass. It requires so a tremendous amount of focus and dedication. A single-minded drive to make a change to your physique. When you list everything a bodybuilder must do to transform themselves it can seem to be a nuisance, one that many people give up on before they see quality change. But there are individuals who resolve to make that change. There are those who, even at a physical disadvantage, push themselves past their limits in the hopes of bringing about change.

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One has to ask themselves what excuses they really have. Some individuals complain about back pain or that they’re too busy to get into the gym. Many individuals simply are lazy about making a change, yet the ability to do so is directly in their grasp. All they need do is accept the fact that they’ll have to put in some hard work in order to bring about change. You can’t think you’re going to make gains by praying for them. The reality of bodybuilding is that if you’re going to lazy and refuse to get into the gym or follow a diet plan then you’ll never see any change.

For an individual like Vahid Moradi these excuses are likely to be completely unacceptable. Moradi doesn’t have the use of his hands and yet he’s still able to make some quality gains despite of his predicament. Calling him handicapped would simply be shortsighted. Moradi is clearly doing something right and is dedicated to bringing about change. So next time you want to think up some excuse to avoid the gym, take a look at Vahid Moradi to get some serious motivation.

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A photo posted by vahid moradi (@vahidmoradi1365) on

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