Bradley Martyn Goes Off About Bodybuilding Judging, Explains Why He Stopped Competing

Bradley Martyn tells all.

Competitive bodybuilding isn’t for everybody. You may agree or disagree with that statement, but the reality is that some people have the genetic capability and the diligence to continue to push forward and make competing in bodybuilding a career. That said, it doesn’t mean that competitors with those same high qualities don’t call it quits anyhow.

Like it or not there are politics involved in bodybuilding just like most any other endeavor. While people may strive for the purity of a sport, the reality is that sometimes there are outside forces at work that lessen the credibility of a given endeavor.

Enter Bradley Martyn.

From the looks of the popular internet bodybuilding personality, you would think Bradley Martyn would do extremely well in competitive bodybuilding. He often posts viral videos showcasing his incredible physique and strength. In fact, Martyn is a veteran of competitive amateur bodybuilding and tried his hand at making the sport into a possible career. While he didn’t continue with competitive bodybuilding, Martyn has gone on to become a major success in the bodybuilding industry.

Still, the remained a question mark as to why Bradley Martyn stopped competing in the first place. He has the genetics, the confidence and the stage presence to back him up, so it has left many people scratching their heads as to why Martyn would decide to leave competitive bodybuilding behind. Now it seems that a recent interview with the bodybuilding personality is revealing the real reason behind his exit from the competitive side of the long standing athletic endeavor.

If we’re to believe Bradley Martyn then that is some pretty damning evidence to bring to light. It suggests that some bodybuilding shows aren’t based on merit but instead on who you know and how popular you are. If that’s the case it sadly wouldn’t be the first time in sporting history.

Bradley Martyn hasn’t shied away from being open and honest. In our previous Iron Cinema interview, he opened up about the suicide of his father, mental health, and his vision for his future.

What do you make of Bradley Martyn and his decision to quit competing in bodybuilding?

Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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