Buff Dudes that Lift Together, Gain Together
They say if you want to accomplish something, tell somebody. This gives you the added pressure of not wanting to look like a failure and having somebody to call you out if you do. This is the similar mindset behind training with a buddy. Not only do they motivate you to do that last set but they also give you added knowledge on exercises or methods you might not know of. But if you’re really lucky, you’ll also find one that will provide you with endless entertainment!
In the video below Calum Von Moger and Antoine Vaillant show you what a bodybuilding tag team would look like. These ripped dudes show off their comedic side with “ripping time”, a “no nonsense” video of what happens when two buff dudes take their ripping time very seriously.
While your training partner may not be nearly this entertaining, you can still benefit from the actual lifting part. Two heads are better than one (just look at your biceps), so stop being antisocial and get a buddy…then get to the gym!
What do you think of the hilarious video below? Does this make you want to train with your best friend?