Generation Iron 20 Minutes of Training

20 minutes of training for max gains?!

Most training regimens for bodybuilding go like this. You have a five day split for training five days out of the week. You pick the particular body part you want to train on that day and then you get to work, all the while hoping to get the pump and experience that much coveted hypertrophy. It’s pretty standard practice where bodybuilding is concerned and at this point has become par for the course. But everyone trains differently and choosing the right training method all depends on how your body reacts to a particular workout schedule. But it seems as if two fitness models have discovered a way to make crazy gains in a rather unusual time frame.


Croatian twins Zoran and Goran Tot have discovered a new way to train that completely disregards the five and even three day split we see in traditional bodybuilding. The two claim that they train once a week for, get this, twenty minute sessions. In an exclusive interview Daily Star the brothers explained the secret to their success.

“We literally are in and out of the gym in 20 minutes once a week. We do 5 minute of high intensity cardio followed by 15 minute of high intensity weight training and that’s it.”

Generation Iron Croatian Brothers

The two brothers are certainly shredded and in great condition, but it seems so far fetched to believe such an advanced amount of development can be made in such a short period of time. They do also claim to have a very strict diets that help their development. The twins went on to explain the details behind their routine.

“Basically we warm up for one minute on the treadmill, followed by two minutes all out sprinting, followed by another minute of walking and finish off with a 30 second all out sprint and a 30 second walk (to cool down). Then we hit the weights. Two sets of the following; Squats, Shoulder Press, Bench Press, Incline Bench Press, Rows and dips.”

Below is a specific breakdown on the set and rep ranges.

Squats:  1 set, 40 reps warm up; followed by 1 set, 25 reps with a heavier weight.

Shoulder Press: 1 set, 40 reps warm up; followed by 1 set, 25 reps with a heavier weight.

Rows: 1 set, 40 reps warm up; followed by 1 set, 25 reps with a heavier weight.

Bench Press: 1 set, 40 reps warm up; followed by 1 set, 25 reps with a heavier weight.

Incline Bench Press: 1 set, 40 reps warm up; followed by 1 set, 25 reps with a heavier weight.

Dips: To failure.

Do you think this is a case of great genetics and nothing more or are these twins onto something? Let us know what you think in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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