Get more cardiac response, spend less time working out.
Cardiovascular training is something we can all use more of. It strengthens the heart, improves endurance, and lets not forget the obvious, it burns fat. So why do so many of us slack when it comes to doing more cardio? Generally cardio can be boring especially if you are doing it the traditional way. Cardio also takes up a lot of time, something many of us with busy lives don’t have much of. It can also take away from the intensity we put into weight training. Lets face it we have unlimited excuses as to why we don’t do more cardio.
Let me ask you, if you could increase the amount of cardio you currently do while simultaneously building muscle would you do it? How about improving your athletic performance on top of it, all while decreasing time in the gym. Do you think you would have an excuse not to do it then? Lets take a look at how to accomplish that.
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Explosive Movements
Big compound lifts like the clean and press or the snatch require much more speed and technique to be performed than smaller isolation movements such as a leg extension. Even with lighter weights, cleaning a bar off the floor and pressing it above your head requires virtually every muscle in the body to be worked. Combine that with the amount of speed necessary to move the weight such a great distance you can bet the heart, lungs and circulatory system are going to be worked just as hard as those massive muscles you will be building. There’s a reason the clean and jerk is a favorite among crossfit athletes.