Dennis Wolf shares his experience of transitioning away from competitive pro bodybuilding.
During his competitive years, Dennis Wolf was one of the top Olympia competitors year after year in pro bodybuilding. Like many professional sports, bodybuilding is an extreme endeavor. After years of being a top 5 Olympia contender, Wolf couldn’t simply stop bodybuilding like the flip of a switch. The transition from competitive bodybuilding into retirement is often misunderstood. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Dennis Wolf shares his first-hand experience of the medical realities behind transitioning into retirement.
Professional bodybuilding, like many other sports, comes with certain extreme risks. Bodybuilders push their physiques to levels that are not natural to a “normal” human being. They use science, supplements, and focused training to literally sculpt their bodies into something beyond natural.
Due to this, an extreme focus on medical health must be adhered to throughout a pro bodybuilder’s career. Not all competitors do this – but it is certainly advised. This becomes even more paramount when a bodybuilder decides to retire. After retirement, a bodybuilder cannot simply stop bodybuilding. There’s a transition that needs to take place. This is especially true if the individual plans to stop training on the same level as when he or she was competing.
During our time filming Dorian Yates: The Original Mass Monster, we dove into the realities of not properly transitioning after retirement. After Dorian Yates retired, he simply stopped bodybuilding all together. This had some serious health effects that opened his eyes. This forced him to reconsider his next steps and eventually led to a rebirth into the man he is today.
While speaking with Dennis Wolf over a video call, we wanted to get some insight into Wolf’s transition into retirement. Did he find himself going through similar struggles as Dorian?
Dennis Wolf was aware of the challenges that would be ahead of him upon retirement. Due to extreme supplementation and possible drug use, his hormone production would not be the same as it was before he started competing. Testosterone specifically is a challenge for retired bodybuilders. After years of pumping the body full of testosterone, it has trouble producing it at standard levels naturally.
Dennis Wolf made sure to visit a doctor as he started changing his lifestyle. This was to monitor his overall bloodwork and health. By working together with a doctor, he was able to adjust his lifestyle as he transitioned into retirement.
This all might sound familiar. That’s because transitioning out of bodybuilding is, in many ways, the same as transitioning into it. You need to listen to your body and be responsible about your health. Regular doctor visits in post-retirement are like regular coach visits when you are competing. You get an analysis on your progress and adjust accordingly.
Dennis Wolf wanted to ensure that he had a life after bodybuilding. That’s why he focused on responsible planning as he transitioned into a new lifestyle. He wanted to make sure that his hormone levels and heart were all functioning properly in order to have a prosperous post-bodybuilding life.
Beyond sports, preventative health planning is always important and sadly overlooked by many individuals. It’s important for aspiring athletes, retiring athletes, and even regular individuals to monitor their health. Our bodies have different needs as we age. Our bodies also have different reactions after major lifestyle changes. Only a doctor can help reveal the true effect these changes have on our bodies.
Watch Dennis Wolf reveal the medical realities behind retiring from bodybuilding in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above.