Dolph Lundgren, Rocky IV and Universal Soldier star, announces that he has had cancer for eight years.

Action 80s film icon Dolph Lundgren has revealed that he has been battling lung cancer for eight years in a recent interview on In Depth With Graham Bensinger. During the discussion, Lundgren states that he was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2015 and also fears that steroids may have contributed to his condition.

Dolph Lundgren is know across the world as an iconic action star and martial artist. He dominated the silver screen during the 80s and 90s alongside the likes of Jean Claude Van Damme, Sylvester Stallone, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. He has long been beloved in the bodybuilding and fitness community due to his physique and physical ability.

Dolph Lundgren says that after the cancer diagnosis, he eventually went into remission. Unfortunately, the cancer returned in 2020. He was told by a doctor that he had 2-3 years left to live.

Lundgren then went for a second opinion and began additional treatment. He claims that under this treatment the tumor has been shrinking. In the interview video, a clip is played showing Lundgren, in a hospital gown, talking to the camera. He states:

“It’s the day after my surgery, they took out one tumor, then the took out another two they found and another three small ones… Hopefully it’s cleaned out, if it dies, it dies.”

Showcasing that he still has maintained optimistic spirits during this entire ordeal, that last line of his statement is a reference to his character from Rocky IV.

MGM /Courtesy Everett Collection

Dolph Lundgren’s Details The Return Of His Cancer Diagnosis

In the video, Dolph Lundgren explains how he discovered that he once again had cancer. In 2020, he started to experience sever acid reflux. He didn’t know the cause and so eventually sought medical help. He was given an MRI. The scan showed that he had a few more tumors.

“They found that there were a few more tumors around that area,” Dolph Lundgren states and then continues, “They found one more tumor in the liver, so I was like aw sh*t, okay… at that point it started to hit me that this was something serious.”

Lundgren goes on to say that the doctor told him the tumor had grown to the size of a small lemon. That same doctor told him that he probably only had 2-3 years left to live.

Dolph Lundgren Facebook

During the conversation, Dolph Lundgren also states that he believes his past steroid use had an impact on his body – even drawing a possible connection to his diagnosis and his past steroid use.

“I tried steroids back in the 80s, 90s. I don’t know if that is something to do with the cancer, of course it struck me as it could have something to do with it… You always think you’ve made a mistake. You Think maybe there is some connection between testosterone therapy and cancer.”

“I was on steroids when I was younger, on and off for maybe ten years. Depending on the kind of movie I made.”

It is unknown is Lundgren’s steroid use was connected to his cancer development but he believes it could have played a role. Generation Iron wishes the best for Dolph Lundgren as he continues to fight.

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