Generation Iron Burger

Looking to make gains? Then pick up a cheeseburger.

Summer is around the corner and it seems like all everyone can do is talk about going on a cut. Sure, the winter may traditionally be bulking season, the time where you pack on the muscle, and sometimes fat to go along with it, in the hopes that by the time you’re ready to cut it will reveal all the muscle underneath the accumulated flab. As such, anyone looking to cut the pounds of fat will likely resort to changing up their diet in hopes of shedding the weight. That means saying goodbye to extreme cheat days filled with foods that will keep your weight up. That means goodbye to barbecue chicken, pizza, and cheeseburgers.

But what if you’re still in the middle of your bulk? What if you don’t want to sacrifice cheeseburgers, but want to stay lean. Well, it may just be possible to keep your favorite “cheat meal” in your life and with great results as well.

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When it comes to packing on pounds of muscle you need to be eating the correct amount of macros. Your proteins, fats, and carbs have to be balanced in order to put on more muscle than fat. While eating lean steak, chicken and fish certainly gets the job done, if you want to ramp up your testosterone levels and perform amazing in the gym, sometimes a nice, juicy burger is just what the doctor ordered.

If you’re a hardgainer looking to pack on the muscle then a good burger will help to boost your testosterone levels. The hard training coupled with the calories the ground beef burger provides will give you all you need in order to stimulate growth. They’re jam packed with zinc and iron, both of which provides nutrients for stronger muscles, zinc in particular promoting muscle growth.

Generation Iron Burger

So we won’t blame you if you decide to start adding more cheeseburgers into your diet. But it’s important to do it right. That’s where Premier Meat Company comes in. This is grass fed high quality meat that’s never frozen (giving you better taste and more nutrients) and the best part is… this will be delivered straight to your door. Giving you a little extra time out of the grocery store and more time in the gym.

As you’ve all probably heard already – we’ve worked with Premier Meat Company to provide the best combination of meat (and protein) that would benefit any bodybuilder. We call it the “Beefing Up Box” and you can get it for a very special price. Just head on over to our official Generation Iron Premier Meat page to start saving time, money, and add more taste to that bland bodybuilding diet.


This advertorial is sponsored by Premier Meat Company.


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