Dorian Yates Vs Arnold Schwarzenegger
Sports rivalries can enhance any athletic endeavor. It brings a storyline to proceedings, gives the competitors that much more motivation to walk away with the victory. Rivalries with the right amount of emotional drama can make fans invest in the events far more than if things were just amicable. Friendly rivalries are fine and add an extra element to competition, but the weight of events don’t quite have that same explosive tension that bad blood offers.
When most people think of bodybuilding rivalries, they think of two actives competitors that are training hard, pushing themselves to the limit, all of it to defeat their worthy counterpart. Kai Greene and Phil Heath are a prime example of how bodybuilding rivalries can generate a great amount of interest from not only bodybuilding fans, but onlookers outside of the sport. Everyone loves a good story with plenty of drama to keep them invested. It’s a formula that has always guaranteed major interest. Floyd Mayweather isn’t the highest paid athlete by coincidence. No matter who the opponent is, Mayweather finds a way to make himself a polarizing figure in order to sell the rivalry with his opponent. That generates buzz and with buzz comes money.
There are countless modern rivalries we could talk about, but sometimes looking on past rivalries can be just as eye opening. One bodybuilding rivalry in particular is both intriguing and curious all at once. If you didn’t know it before now, former bodybuilding champions Arnold Schwarzenegger and Dorian Yates have had their own share of disagreements with each other. What makes it interesting is that the two men competed in different eras of bodybuilding. So how exactly did these two come to a disagreement? Take a look at Yates’ side of the argument.
What do you make of Dorian Yates’ feelings towards Arnold Schwarzenegger? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.