With minimal competitors, the surprising results are finally in.
While it might of opened with a bumpy start – the Dubai 2014 Classic went well under way with seven pro competitors in the running for the first ever Dubai champion trophy. Before we get started, here are the final results:
1. Dexter Jackson
2. Shawn Rhoden
3. Roelly Winklaar
4. Steve Kuclo
5. Juan Morel
6. Robert Berneika
7. Zaher Moukahal
In what is probably the biggest surprise of the competition, Dexter Jackson placed first above Shawn Rhoden – who had previously been placing just behind the top competitors such as Kai, Phil, and (sometimes) Dennis. What makes this placing even more stunning is the persistence that Dexter continues to show as he ages. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – Dexter Jackson is living proof that age has nothing to do with placing.
There’s also good news for the young bodybuilders in this competition. Athletes such as Kuclo and Juan Morel pulled off a 4th and 5th placing respectively – while this is more obviously due to the lack of other big time competitors – that doesn’t change the fact that they will have this on the record (and a little extra prize money in their pocket).
That about does it for now, but keep checking back for more updates from the Dubai 2014 Classic and the upcoming EVLS Prague Pro. You can always get immediate updates by following our official Facebook and Twitter pages as well.