Flex Wheeler’s last update before his comeback on stage at Mr. Olympia.
FLEX WHEELER: THE COMEBACK DIARIES – is a weekly show documenting the progress of Flex Wheeler’s comeback as he trains towards the Mr. Olympia 2017 in the Classic Physique division. Become a fly on the wall of Flex’s very own video diary to see the struggles and triumphs of returning to an Olympia-ready physique. This is the final episode of the series!
This is it. We are just about a week away from Mr. Olympia 2017. Passion and excitement are in the air. And for Flex Wheeler, his big moment returning to the stage is just around the corner. These last days can make or break a physique. One wrong move and everything comes crashing down. So how does Flex feel going into his first competition in years? Find out with his FINAL comeback diary update before the big Olympia weekend. Check in on his progress with our last Flex Wheeler Comeback Diaries episode above!