Guru vs Guru.
Bodybuilding has always been a sport about self improvement and growth in both the body and the mind. For the average gym rat, the motivations for getting in shape may be as simple as erasing the memories of being an overweight child, a distraction to get over a break up, or even just to improve upon the attributes that already highlight their body.
For the professional, things are a bit different; and by a bit we mean a completely new playing field. Your motivation to compete must be more focused than that. The hell they put themselves through for betterment can’t be based purely on emotion. Emotion brings them to the table, but it doesn’t carry them through their entire careers. At the end of the day there has to be a motivation that drives them to want to be the best in the world.
As any professional competitor can tell you, a bodybuilding competition can be won or lost all in the lead up to the actual show. Contest prep is something that must be handled with strict care and diligence. For old school bodybuilders this meant relying mostly on themselves. They had to monitor what they ate and hold themselves accountable for any indulgences they took part in. The road to becoming a pro, especially back in the day, was more solitary than what’s present today.
Which brings us to bodybuilding gurus, trainers that provide athlete’s with specific diet tips and training plans that will ensure they’ll make calculated gains. With all the competition out there these days, many bodybuilders are trying to find that decided edge to bring them victory and gurus provide the kind of information that could spell either victory of defeat.
Two popular gurus are Chris Aceto and George Farah, both of whom have competed in professional bodybuilding events throughout their careers. After retiring, both men have devoted their time to grooming the next generation of bodybuilding talent. But like all people with widely different standpoints, Aceto and Farah don’t see eye to eye on their approaches to the game. That was the scene at this past weekend’s 2015 Arnold Classic event in Brazil. Take a look at the two having words the video below.
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