GI Russia Report: St. Petersburg Bodybuilding Cup 2019

St. Petersburg Bodybuilding Cup 2019

The main event of the final day of the St. Petersburg Cup in bodybuilding was the confrontation between Mohamed El Emam and Daler Ismatov. The winner was Mohamed, but it wasn’t an easy victory by any means. Daler showed a great form, and even judging by his face during the announcement of the results it was clear that he was counting on victory.

The President of Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation of Russia Vladimir Ivanovich Dubinin correctly noted Alexander Vishnevsky put in a ton of work to make this show into the spectacle that it was.


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?Сегодня начинается все самое интересное на Кубке Санкт-Петербурга и будет у нас много крутой инфы с этого мероприятия. А вчера знатно помучали Александра Вишневского вопросами. Спонсор репортажа с Кубка Санкт-Петербурга ?@prime_kraft? ⠀ WWW.GENERATIONIRON.RU ⠀ #generationiron #gi #generationironru #giru #russia #bodybuilding #ifbb #npc #elite #fitness #sport #fbbr #фббр #arnoldclassic2019 #arnoldclassic #strength #strong #wrpf #siberianpowershow #fitnessbikini #mensphysique #body #olympia #mrolympia #ifbbpro #muscle #arnold #бодибилдинг #спорт #sps

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Often and many times PR were promoting the Russian Cup in Krasnodar at the Petersburg Cup. We do not know what the Russian Cup will be like, but the organizers of the St. Petersburg show did everything they could to make this tournament unforgettable.

In the coming weeks we will talk in great detail about this tournament. And not only tell, but show it! Follow GI Russia for more!


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