Generation Iron Workout Song Kanye No More Parties in LA

No parties. Just lift.

Valentine’s and President Day weekend was pretty harsh to the east coast population. The weather was blistering cold and that meant that only the most dedicated athletes found themselves at the gym over the weekend. Temperature of 5 degrees farenheit is enough to keep even the toughest, most dedicated bodybuilders out of the gym. Valentine’s day certainly didn’t make things any simpler as the chocolate treats and expensive dinners were sure to set a few bodybuilders back over the course of the long weekend.

But with new trials to overcome there’s no doubt that a spark of motivation was lit with the beginning of a new week. Whether it was lack of training or poor nutrition, now is the opportunity to look forward and hopefully correct the mistakes made this past weekend. A new song of the week is just the motivator you need to get you pumped for a hard training session.

But perhaps the biggest thing to happen this weekend – trumping Valentines and Presidents alike – was the insane BS storm of Kanye West shenanigans leading up to the drop of his much anticipated new album (finally) titled The Life of Pablo. You literally can’t click more than five times on the internet without running into news about Kanye. So to honor the ultimate egotist in music – we’re picking his latest single “No More Parties In LA” for your next workout. It’s got a driving beat that can keep you pushing that iron for days.

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This Week’s Pick

Song: No More Parties In LA
Artist: Kanye West
Album: Life of Pablo (unless it changes again)

Crank up some Kanye and hit the iron hard. You’ve got no time to be lazy. Get those gains!

Check back next week for the GI workout song of the week and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

GI Team
The GI Team is here to provide top news and original content for the new generation. The generation of bodybuilders who are pushing the sport to bigger and better places. Join The Movement. Become a part of Generation Iron!