An epic climb.
The second of six Arnold Classic events took place over the weekend and in two attempts, Kai Greene has come out on top as the open weight champion. It seemed like yesterday when Kai was announcing that he wouldn’t be competing at the 2015 Olympia. Now, only three months into 2016, Greene already has two championship victories under his belt and some much needed momentum.
While many may have viewed it as a forgone conclusion, Greene was up against some pretty tough competition at both the Arnold Classic in Ohio and Australia. Cedric McMillan came close to snatching victory from Kai in the first Arnold event earlier this month. But the veteran was able to battle back with an elaborate posing routine that earned Kai a much needed victory.
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Cedric closing in on Kai helped to motivate “The Predator” to bring the best version of himself to Australia. His physique was more on point and his posing routine was sensational as ever. The victory will likely have people once again talking about the Phil Heath rivalry once more. At this point there is nothing but motivation for Kai Greene to get back in the gym and ensure that he can defeat his bitter rival in competition.
Whether you’re an amateur who lifts for fun or a pro looking to get fired up for a hardcore session, GI has the track to provide you with the motivation to battle through your training this week.
Today we’re going for a full blown epic track to make you feel like you’re marching in an army to bloody victory in the next big action film. Think Lord of the Rings meets Batman vs Superman meets… a completely INSANE build up. And once the heavy beat drops you’ll be breaking PR’s in no time.
This Week’s Pick
Song: Piercing Light (Mako Remix)
Artist: Riot
Album: League of Legends Soundtrack
Crank it up and hit the iron hard. You’ve got no time to be lazy. Get those gains!
Check back next week for the GI workout song of the week and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
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