Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornsson show some great physique transformations.
Ahead of their potential September clash in the boxing ring, Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornsson are looking a bit different. Both strongman champions have dropped a tremendous amount of weight and have transformed their physique ahead of their showdown.
The much anticipated boxing match between former World’s Strongest Man champs Hafthor Bjornsson and Eddie Hall is still five months away. Both men are using the remaining time to push themselves like never before to be combat ready.
Shredded Strongman Champs!
In a recent post, Bjornsson posted a physique update that shows a slimmed down and shredded version of himself.
Once a Mountain, always a Mountain!
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Hafthor Bjornsson also posted a recent training video where the strongman admits to feeling a bit burned out. Nevertheless, he pushed himself through his lifting session and still looks mighty strong.
My second session today. This day was rough, felt extremely tired and everything felt heavy. Those days happen and it’s okay! Luckily I have a rest day tomorrow. I’m doing a cardio session in the morning, no boxing or lifting so I call that a rest day! ???? training is going super well, I know I haven’t been posting much lately I’ve just been super focused on my training and I must say it’s paying off big time! Can’t wait to show you guys my improvements in my next exhibition match! ????
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But Hafthor Bjornsson wasn’t the only one to show off his drastic physique transformation and training. Eddie Hall also posted a recent physique update himself. Hall looked pretty impressive in his own right. In the caption on the Instagram post, Hall states that he’s tipping the scales at 162kg/356lbs.
162kg / 356lbs body weight ????
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Hall also posted some boxing specific training and his motivation hasn’t appeared to have waned one bit.
Getting bigger, getting stronger, getting…. FASTER ⚡️
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Are you impressed with the physique transformations of Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornsson?
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.