Kai Greene Revealed To Be In Stranger Things Season 2!

Kai Greene’s star is rising.

As far as bodybuilders who transcended the sport, Arnold Schwarzenegger is one individual that comes to mind. The seven time Olympia champion was able to turn his success in bodybuilding into success on the big and small screen. Now it appears that bodybuilding veteran and fan favorite Kai Greene is following in Arnold’s footsteps. We’ve kept it quiet for some time but can finally announce it… Kai Greene appears in multiple episodes  on the second season of the Netflix hit show, Stranger Things.

It’s no secret that through Generation Iron’s management – Kai Greene was able to land representation through The Gersh Agency. This was a big moment for the bodybuilder and for the industry as a whole… further bridging the gap between Hollywood mainstream and the bodybuilding industry. Through these two powerhouse companies, the talented bodybuilder and artist was able to snag this opportunity to appear on one of the most popular Netflix shows to ever hit the streaming network.

With a dedication to bringing about the dreams of these great athletes, Generation Iron hopes that Kai Greene and the other athletes under the brand are able to obtain other great opportunities like this one.

Stranger Things season two is set to premiere at midnight, October 27 exclusively on Netflix. Catch Kai Greene in the very first episode! Similarly, Generation Iron has released the official life story bio-pic on Kai Greene, titled, KAI.

What do you think of Kai Greene breaking into acting? Will you be tuning into Stranger Things season two?

Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

GI Team
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