Kamal Elgargni describes his contest prep diet and also how he handles his offseason bulking.
The unfortunate truth about bodybuilding is that eating can often times be a chore. For top level pro bodybuilders, their body is a machine and needs pitch perfect ingredients to build a stellar physique. This is especially true during the final weeks of contest prep. On the flip side, the bulking off season is a time where some bodybuilders might indulge a bit to pack on more mass. But what is the best way to pack on mass without it turning into fat? In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Kamal Elgargni details his offseaso bulk tactics to building mass muscle and avoiding gaining fat.
Whenever we have an opportunity to speak with an Olympia champion in bodybuilding, we always ask them what their bodybuilding training and diet looks like. What does it take to become the best in the world?
Kamal Elgargni is the current Men’s 212 Olympia champion and for good reason. He brings an amazing package to the stage and will be a challenge to beat at this year’s Mr. Olympia as he defends his title.
That’s why we asked Elgargni how he handles his diet during prep and also during the off season. What does the current Men’s 212 Olympia champion do to bring in a winning physique?
Kamal Elgargni’s Contest Prep Diet
Kama Elgargni goes into a brief overview on how he handles his diet during the final months of contest prep. He eats six meals per day, each meal consisting largely of the same elements each day. After his coach assesses his latest physique, he then slightly adjusts the diet according. Below is an overview of his contest prep diet plan.
- Meal 1: 10 egg whites and two whole eggs. Plus one cup of oats.
- Meal 2: 8oz of beef and cup of rice.
- Meal 3: Whey protein with an apple.
- Meal 4: 10oz of chicken and 8oz of sweet potato.
- Meal 5: 10oz of chicken with vegetables.
- Meal 6: 10oz of beef with vegetables.
How Kamal Elgargni bulks without gaining fat
We also asked Kamal Elgargni how he handles his off season bulking diet. How does he avoid packing on too much fat, thus making his cutting period more challenging. The answer, while boring, is an unavoidable truth.
Elgargni makes sure that at least 80% of his diet during the off season remains clean. Some bodybuilders, especially ones with superior genetics, might eat more of what they want all in an effort to put on as much weight as possible. They worry about the cutting later. But Kamal tries to stay relatively lean year round.
The stricter you are on the clean food you eat during the bulking phase, the easier and more results you’ll get during cutting. Of course, you still need to pack in more food than usual in order to get more calories and put on more weight. But that doesn’t mean you should eat junk food and place that weight in the wrong place.
That being said, Kamal Elgargni does have a favorite cheat meal. It’s cooked by his wife and is a great reprieve from long stretches of strict dieting. You can find out exactly what that meal is in the above video!
You can watch Kamal Elgargni’s full comments about bulking and cutting in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above.