King Kamali breaks down the top bodybuilding posers of all time… and why it doesn’t hold up today.

KING’S WORLD – is a digital series starring King Kamali providing the honest truth on all things bodybuilding. Combining King Kamali’s patented blunt opinions with some tried and true informative facts, King’s World aims to expand your mind outside of the usual “rules” behind bodybuilding. Honest opinions, valuable facts, and a whole new way to look at bodybuilding. New episodes air every Tuesday.

Bodybuilding has a serious posing problem on its hands. Over the past few decades the art of posing has been pushed to the side in favor of bigger and meatier physiques. Yes, of course the physique was always the most important – but there used to be in art in how they were displayed. Look no further than the 80’s and earlier to see how near-poetic the posing routines were. Today, posing is hitting a few mandatory poses, stomping your foot and putting a hand towards your ear asking for cheers.

The Arnold Classic tried to remedy this in a small way by making the posing routine scored – but this is just one grouping of competitions that is not currently in place for the rest of pro bodybuilding competitions. King Kamali thinks it’s a good step in the right direction… but it’s nowhere near enough to fix things.

That’s why in our premiere episode of King’s World – King Kamali goes off script to rant whole heartedly about the problems with posing routines. He points out the best posers from past generations and breaks them down to see what key factors should be learned from these greats… and how we can implement them into today’s generation to improve posing routines.

Bodybuilding competitions are already immensely entertaining – but King Kamali believes they can be improved 100% by bringing back the entertainment and art behind the posing routines. Learn about everything that is wrong with posing today in bodybuilding (and how to fix it) in the episode above!

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