If you’re looking to get inspired for bulking season, look no further than Larry Wheels

This video from Makaveli Motivation is here to get you where you need to go with this epic Larry Wheels video. Bulking can be one of the most intimidating parts of bodybuilding and can make any athlete stressed out beyond belief. It feels impossible under normal circumstances to eat enough to match how much you work out, let alone double or triple that to put on size.

Strength Wars Movie

But it must be done. Like all things bodybuilding, it doesn’t come easy, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth working for. Just the opposite – things that are hard work are the ones that are often the most worth doing. Just look at how hard he’s working in this video to get it together and realize that that’s what you have to do for yourself, too. You get out of things what you put into them. If you push yourself to realize this and prioritize your goals, you will get the results that you want.



Bodybuilding is about stamina in more ways than one and there’s no better example of non stop energy than Larry Wheels and his rise to popularity due to his insane physique and strength. It’s not just about having the stamina to keep going in the gym, but also with all the lifestyle changes that accompany your lifestyle. Being strict about your diet, not smoking or drinking too much…these things all make a huge difference. All of these variables add up to making a great bodybuilder. But if you don’t have the follow-through or self-discipline to cross the finish line, you can forget about it. So what are you waiting for? Get bulking!