Mac Trucc isn’t impressed with today’s pro bodybuilders.
As Mac Trucc restarts his journey towards trying to earn a pro card in competitive bodybuilding, he’s starting to pay closer attention to the physiques and opinions in the sport. So when Dorian Yates and Ronnie Coleman criticized the crop of Olympia 2019 competitors, he took it to heart. But does Mac agree with those sentiments? In our latest GI Exclusive, Mac Trucc reacts to Dorian Yates and Ronnie Coleman’s harsh critique of Brandon Curry as Olympia champion.
Mac Trucc isn’t a pro bodybuilder but he recently has begun his journey to try and change that. Taking his life in a new direction that will have him entering the world of competitive bodybuilding. Part of that process is figuring out what kind of physique is best for the judges. For the Men’s Open division, that has become potentially more challenging due to criticism from past legends such as Ronnie Coleman and Dorian Yates. Are today’s physiques falling short of the high standard set in the past?
Mac Trucc shares his thoughts by first stating he respects the opinions of bodybuilders such as Ronnie and Dorian. Why? Because they’ve earned that respect due to the impressive physique they were able to build that place them in legendary status. Mac Trucc also personally agrees – he’s not as impressed by the modern crop of physiques on stage.
That being said, he also believes that piling on Brandon Curry isn’t the right direction to take. At the end of the day, Brandon Curry is still the best of the competitors that are currently out there. He proved that with the Olympia win and no one should try to diminish or take that away from him. Sharing sentiments recently stated by Mike O’Hearn in our previous interview, Mac believes that a competitor can only be as good as his competition. Brandon succeeded at becoming the best about the rest – but if they don’t push him to go even further, then he has no subconscious motivation to take it to that next level.
So ultimately, if you ask Mac Trucc if Brandon Curry can compare to the physiques of the 90’s – he’d say no. But that doesn’t mean he should be dragged through the mud for his recent Olympia win. There are only a handful of Olympia champions in the history of the sport. That’s impressive no matter what era you are in. It should be treated as such.
You can watch Mac Trucc’s full response in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!