Bodybuilding making a difference.
A tragic electrical burn lost Diego Hernandez his left hand and nearly all use of his right at the age of 10. He told MensHealth, he endured surgeries and depression until the age of 21 – when he found bodybuilding. Now, four years later, Diego is training to compete.
Diego said that when first learning to lift, he had to adapt many classic movements, and improvise as he went.
“I started researching a lot on YouTube and Instagram. There were certain movements I couldn’t do back in the day, but now, as days go by I find ways to learn how to do them myself in ways that work for me.”
For Diego, Monday his leg day, he does sets of 15 reps of leg extensions, squats, deadlifts and leg presses, focusing on the,“muscle and mind connection so I know I’m working.”
As for arms, obviously pull movements are the most challenging. He usually does variations of exercises like hammer curls, tricep extensions, cable pull-throughs and bench presses.
For leanness and conditioning he says, “the trick is in the diet, that’s where it starts.”
Currently, Hernandez is in an aggressive diet, which means six massive meals a day, though he tries to keep them clean. He starts off the day with four egg whites and a shot of apple cider vinegar. Next is five ounces of ground turkey with a side of asparagus. Other meals might consist of tuna fish with sweet potatoes and some vegetable.
“It’s real clean and it’s only one carb meal a day, which I eat right before I go to the gym.”
After he workout, Diego will have a simple protein shake, with four ounces of chicken and some fibrous vegetable.
He closed with some inspiring words:
“Never give up on your dreams. Ever. And nothing is impossible. If you really want it, you’ll find a way.”
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