Generation Iron Maximize Gym Time

The power of one hour.

As a bodybuilder we all know that going to the gym is a must. But there are sometimes obstacles that may present themselves in our everyday lives and busy schedules that can prevent us from getting that precious gym time in. Whether it’s your job taking too much time, school work is building up, relationship problems; the list can go on and on.

All you can do at this point is make one of two choices. One, you let these obstacles get in the way of you and your goals. Or two, you find a way to make time for the gym and get the job done!

As many of you know, all it really takes for a good lifting session is about an hour. If you truly push yourself through your workout without having any distractions it can be done. With that being said, there isn’t a single person out there that can say that they do not have at least just ONE small hour out of their day to get that lift in. If utilized correctly that one small hour can make a huge difference in your physique which can transfer over into different aspects in life.

Look at it like this. We have 24 hours each and every day. We never have less, and we never have more. What you choose to do with that time is up to you, but every hour you let go by is one less hour you have on this earth. So why not take that one hour a day to better yourself in the gym? The truth is one hour out of the twenty four we have each day isn’t much time out of our day at all so you might as well make the best of it.

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Mental Motivation

A good way to make sure you do this is by making a contract with yourself. Write down on a piece of paper “I will go to the gym today and give 100% effort when I am there.” Then sign the bottom of this paper and place it somewhere so that you see it every day. Once that image is in front of you every day it will not only implant that thought in your mind, but you will most likely find a way to make that thought a reality.

Once that image is implanted in your mind, when you go, not maybe, but WHEN you go to the gym you want to make sure that you fully utilize that hour you have there. One thing you have to do to make that happen is to concentrate on nothing but your lifts and cut off all distractions. Whether it’s talking to people, watching TV, whatever it is tell yourself that this hour is all for YOU and nothing will get in your way. With that being said another thing you can monitor is your resting time in between sets. Depending on what goals you have time you take between each set can vary, but this is aimed towards those who need to get that workout in within an hours’ time. A good time limit for resting between sets for a workout that will roughly last an hour would be about 30 seconds. Whether it’s watching a clock on the wall, timing it on your phone, or doing what The Gift Phil Heath has done and wear a wrist watch to time yourself between each set that way. Just monitor your time, kill the weights, and the hour will seem like nothing.

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Physical Motivation

Now on to the lifting. A great routine that can be accomplished in an hours’ time and still have your muscles exhausted by the end of your workout is Hany Rambods FST-7 training. This type of training is designed to tear your deep fascia tissue which is what bodybuilders want in order to give you that full and muscular look and the good thing is it doesn’t take much time to complete. Basically you only want to use a weight 60-70% of your 1RM so that you’ll be able to do 5 to 6 different lifts for 4 sets of 10, with the last lift being 7 sets of 10. Not only does this routine only take an hours’ time, but it will give you one of the most insane pumps you have ever had and you’ll truly feel it afterwards.

You should now have a clear understanding of how easily a great workout can be done in the small amount of time you may have. Remember that your mind is the most powerful tool. To meet your goals you have to train your mind into knowing that NOTHING can stop you no matter what excuse your brain tries to make. If you consistently follow the guidelines listed throughout this article you will discover that one hour of gym time a day will be very beneficial. With that being said, go ahead and make that contract with yourself right now, stay consistent, and you will see just how much can be done in that hour time frame.


My name is Zack Cantrell. I am 21 years old & currently doing personal training for various people in my community while also pursuing a degree in Health Sciences. I enjoy bodybuilding & power-lifting & although I’m new to the bodybuilding world, I hope to one day make a living off of all the hard work I have put into my body & mind. My mission is to do the best things for my body & also to inform others of the great strengths & capabilities inside each and every one of us!

You can follow me on twitter @ZCANTRELL1 & on

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