Trainer to the stars.
Melissa Alcantara says she still remembers the call that changed her career. She told People Magazine,
“They were like, ‘Are you available to train Kim on Monday?’ I was like, ‘Of course I’m available!’ And it went from there.”
Alcantara completely relocated to Los Angeles for the celebrity queen and said before any training started, she and Kim spoke about Kim’s goals.
“Kim told me, ‘I love my body. I love the way it looks and I love my hips.’
“She just wanted more muscle. She wanted bigger hamstrings, which accentuates the entire leg. And she wants those cut arms and abs!
“She didn’t want to be skinny. She wanted to have muscle and feel strong. And she wanted to find something she can do for the rest of her life. I totally understood where she was coming from.”
Sounds about right for a celebrity who has received some accusations of artificially enhancing a particular body part.
Alcantara says she trains Kim at her mansion six days a week at 6 a.m.. Each workout targets a specific body part, with every other day devoted to legs. Alcantara says Kim also does cardio, some of it high intensity.
“She loves and hates leg days. But she’s committed! She knows what it takes, but it’s also really grueling. It’s heavy, it’s killer, but she’ll be like, ‘Alright, let’s do it!’ She’s a workhorse.
“Kim has been getting some really nice results, like with her triceps! She can’t believe how much has changed over the last few months. And when you’re in this deep, it’s hard to go back. She just keeps it up. She’s focused and she has a goal in mind.”
Alcantara also sends recipes and proscriptions to Kim’s team of chefs, ensuring she receives balanced meals. Alcantara says a typical day might include blueberry oatmeal pancakes for breakfast; chicken, sweet potatoes and veggies for lunch; and fish and veggies for dinner.
Alcantara cut all processed foods out of Kim’s diet, except for the occasional treat of banana bread,
“Recently she told me she had some fries that were really greasy and it made her stomach feel bad because she wasn’t used to it. Which is great because after that, you’re less likely to go for those foods!
“Kim told me the other day, ‘This is the most vegetables I’ve ever eaten!’”
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