Hulking Out/Anger Issues

Generation Iron The Hulk

Sadly, sometimes only one image comes to mind when people think about bodybuilders – and he’s a big green unstoppable monster. The Hulk.

Sure, it’s only natural to find person with massive muscles intimidating. Bigger muscles do equal bigger strength. But for some reason many people in the mainstream think that means bodybuilders only solve things my smashing.

This one ties in with the other two stereotypes we discussed: steroids and unintelligence. People think bodybuilders are too dumb to be rational and are always hopped up from ‘roid rage. So they smash. Just like Hulk.

But nothing could be farther from the truth. Bodybuilding is about sculpting the body. It’s not about the raw strength that comes from it – but from the symmetry and the fulfillment that comes from self improvement. There is a large amount of self restraint that needs to be administered every day. To stay on such a rigorous schedule and to diet correctly takes discipline – which is the furthest thing from unchecked anger and rage.

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