Nick Trigili To Tell All In Upcoming Controversial Interview Bodybuilding Series

Nick Trigili reveals the truth no one talks about in bodybuilding.

Nick Trigli recently went viral when he posted a video on Instagram showing how to properly shoot steroids into your body. It’s a dose of truly upfront honestly that is rarely seen from bodybuilders – and it brought a lot of attention to Nick. But as always there is more to a man and a story than just one Instagram video. That’s why we sat down with Nick Trigili and let him share the whole truth… exposing everything in bodybuilding that is rarely talked about in the mainstream.

We’re breaking up our conversation with Nick across a multi-part mini series that shows the underground side of bodybuilding that isn’t on social media or presented to the public. And some of the things you hear might shock you. Check out this on set behind-the-scenes clip below and stay tuned as we announce more information about the upcoming series.

GI Team
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