How can Wesley Vissers and other competitors dominate in the Classic Physique division?
When the Classic Physique was first announced, many wondered how the division would be handled. What would the judging criteria be like? Would their be more emphasis on physique or on presentation? So many different questions focused on what truly made a competitor worthy of the Classic Physique title. Well, this past Olympia may have answered the question definitively.
If we take a look at the top three in the division, among them Breon Ansley, Chris Bumstead, and George Peterson, a greater understanding of the judges criteria become pretty clear. Physique and presentation certainly seemed to be weighed equally. From the looks of the top three, the judges are looking for balanced proportions, all three men looking complete while on stage. No particular body part dominates another, everything working in concert with each other.
When we look at Olympia champion Breon Ansley, we see a bodybuilder who has equal parts impressive musculature and artistic posing. He has a X body type, well built arms and legs with a narrow waist.
Chris Bumstead possesses very similar traits to Breon Ansley which explains his second placing and losing out by only one point. His classic vacuum also gives him a distinct edge during posing.
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George Peterson appears to have a thicker frame for the division yet he makes it work for his body type. His arms and legs are very balanced, and though his waist isn’t as narrow as Ansley or Bumstead, he maintains great control over his midsection, which seems to be a major criteria in Classic Physique as well.
Enter Wesley Vissers.
Hailing from the Netherlands, Wesley Vissers garnered a great amount of attention before being invited to the Olympia. With a YouTube and social media presence that focuses exclusively on building an old school, it was quite obvious that Mr. “Vintage Genetics” himself was aiming to dominate the Classic Physique division.
But while he had a great physique, Wesley Vissers still ended up in sixteenth place. But why exactly was this the case. When we take a look at Vissers’ physique we may be able to highlight exactly what he needs to improve upon and what the judges are looking for in the Classic Physique division.
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From what we can glean from this photo of Wesley Vissers on stage is that he possesses a extremely impressive physique. Yet despite that fact, he doesn’t quite standout as the other competitors in the top three. Vissers has great posing instincts but his execution certainly needs work in order to grab the attention of the judges. What we can also tell is that there’s less emphasis on presenting that X form mentioned before. All the other bodybuilders at the top of the division pose in a manner that highlights the proportions throughout their physique, letting you understand that the judges truly want to see that X presentation on stage. Wesley Vissers posing doesn’t quite emphasize his legs enough for him to stand out.
If he wants to break into the top ten, Wesley Vissers will have to put on a bit more size, but most of all he’ll have to work on presentation and make an effort to present that classical X form to the judges in order to hold their attention.
What do you think Wesley Vissers needs to rise through the ranks of Classic Physique? What do you think the judges are looking for?
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