Generation Iron Peter Molnar Sergio Oliva

Old school pose. New school size.

The bodybuilding scene is all about making drastic improvements on the physical form. It’s the bottom line where most people are concerned. If you’re not making progress then you’re doing something wrong, it’s a common ideology within the culture. It’s what keeps fans tuning in year after year for the many different competitions hosted for the fifty-two week period. The hopes of seeing a favorite dethroned or a watch a competitor turn from prospect to the dominant figure in the sport. It’s compelling stuff when you put it that way. Everyone wants to see how far an individual will push themselves to achieve greatness and it’s perhaps one of the biggest staples of bodybuilding.


Despite all of that, we must never forget the past and the individuals who built the sport into what it is today. Improvement is definitely a big part of the sport, but there’s no way it would be as popular as it is today without men like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane, Franco Columbu, and many, many other classic bodybuilders.

As we head further into the future it appears to be a notion that some bodybuilders are taking to heart. Recalling the past in the present and paying homage to the greats that came before them. Peter Molnar is steadily gaining popularity throughout the bodybuilding ranks and is considered by some to be potentially an athlete that will herald in the new age of bodybuilding. Molnar sports a physique that recalls bodybuilders of the past, the athletes of the Golden Era. In the Instagram pic below, Molnar pays tribute to one of the greatest champions to ever compete in the sport, Sergio Oliva. Take a look at the young up and comers version of the famous Oliva victory pose and see where he matches up with the all time great.

Old style posing, few years ago. ? #goldenera #posing #bodybuilding #thefreezer #beyourownhero

A photo posted by Péter Molnár (@officialpetermolnar) on

Are you impressed by Peter Molnar’s victory pose? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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GI Team
The GI Team is here to provide top news and original content for the new generation. The generation of bodybuilders who are pushing the sport to bigger and better places. Join The Movement. Become a part of Generation Iron!