Powerlifting vs Bodybuilding Diet: Larry Wheels Before And After Photo Is Eye Opening

Larry Wheels has made some impressive gains.

Last week Larry Wheels made it known to the masses that he would competing in a bodybuilding competition several weeks from now. The powerlifter has always had an impressive physique and it has led to speculation that he would someday decide to compete in bodybuilding. With his confirmation of his first bodybuilding competition, it seems as if Larry Wheels is gunning for Stan Efferding’s record of the world’s strongest pro bodybuilder.

While his mission may be inspiring, Larry Wheels has a long way to go before realizing his dream of becoming a pro bodybuilder. But from recent progress pics it’s pretty evident that the young powerlifter is well on his way to cultivating an extremely impressive physique.

While his diet may have been more liberal while he focused mainly on powerlifting, in order for him to get into bodybuilding condition it was necessary for Larry Wheels to make a major change to his nutrition plan. What changes were made exactly? Well, the powerlifter posted what he’s changed in his diet as well as a before and after photo highlighting the changes to his physique.

What do you think of Larry Wheels’ transformation?

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