Rafael Brandao is looking strong 5 weeks out from the Arnold Classic Brazil.
Rafael Brandao is looking in great condition ahead of the 2022 Arnold Classic South America AKA Brazil. Brandao has been hard at work training with former reigning 212 Olympia champion Flex Lewis.
If you want to beat the best you have to train with the best. Rafael Brandao has learned this lesson well. As such the talented Brazilian bodybuilder has been doing his best to train with veterans of the game.
Training With Elites
In prep for the Arnold Classic Brazil Rafael Brandao has been seeking out the help of many talented bodybuilders and coaches. One of those trainers includes the bodybuilding veteran Dennis James who has had success with a little known Olympia champion Big Ramy.
I think we got some pump today ????
Thanks @bigdjames for this leg workout, it’s a big pleasure to me ????????
I remember always watching before my leg training Denis James training Denis Wolf, doing insane sets on the leg press and today I was there being trained by him.
Dreams come true whenever someone believes in them ????????
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Training With The Champ
Rafael Brandao clearly isn’t content to just be another competitor. Brandao has Olympia aspirations and not just to place either. He intends to at least break into the top 8 and even top 5 in the division. As such Brandao has been not only training with the likes of Dennis James, but long time 212 Olympia champion Flex Lewis.
The latest update from @rafabrandaopro physique heading to @arnoldsouthamerica.
Rafa continues with his preparation at @the_dragons_lair, focused and training hard with the help of @flex_lewis ????
Remembering that the Arnold Classic South America takes place from the 29th of April to the 1st of May and it will be a great chance for Brazilians to see up close the great evolution of Brandão on stage.
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With help from these talented bodybuilders Rafael Brandao is no doubt the favorite to win the Arnold Classic Brazil. What do you think of Brandao’s physique?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.