‘Rich Piana Chronicles’ Is Now Available On iTunes For Pre Order!

Pre order the inside look into the late Rich Piana.

We are getting closer and closer to the release of the Rich Piana Chronicles – an intimate and uncut look into four days of Rich’s life months before his tragic passing. A controversial yet popular figure in the bodybuilding industry, Rich Piana set the stage for a new kind of bodybuilding star. But who is the man behind the personality? Behind the muscle? Behind the YouTube and expo persona?

Rich Piana Chronicles is a raw look into the day to day of Rich Piana – the ultimate insight for fans of his big personality and big heart.

The Rich Piana Chronicles will be available October 19, 2018 – and is NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE ORDER on iTunes! Click here or the banner below to add it into your digital collection today!

Rich Piana Chronicles

Strength Wars Movie

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