Synthol Oil is legal but only when intended to be used under certain conditions… that does not include injections.
Rick Collins Esq. is a lawyer and former bodybuilder who has become a master of all legal matters involving dietary supplement law, health & fitness law, and anabolic steroid law. That’s why during our conversation we asked him about the use and sale of synthol oil. Is it illegal? In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Rick Collins Esq. explains the legal complications and grey area behind Synthol oil.
Site enhancement oil injections, while not common, are occasionally used in bodybuilding to help change muscle size and shape. More commonly referred to as synthol, the oil is injected into the body and solidifies to create a sort of “instant fake muscle.”
There are a wide variety of doctors who would be quick to tell you that injecting synthol into your body is dangerous. That is not up for debate. But is it legal? That’s what we asked lawyer Rick Collins during our exclusive interview. It turns out the answer is a bit more complicated than you would think.
At its foundation, site enhancement oil injections are not illegal. They can be legally sold as an oil. The problem arises, when it’s used for site injections. This is not the legally approved use for the substance.
The reason synthol oil is not illegal is that at it is not considered a drug. But as soon as it is used to inject into the body, it becomes considered a drug. So any vendor who sells synthol oil can do so legally as long as it is advertised to use as an oil and not a drug.
Rick Collins uses an analogy to make the point more clear. He brings up the old comedic duo, Cheech and Chong. Two famous comedian actors known for their love of smoking marijuana and films focusing on the comical use of marijuana – Chong eventually started his own bong business.
Bongs, a device to smoke substances with, are totally legal but only if used to smoke legal substances. If the bong is advertised as marijuana paraphernalia, then it is illegal to sell under those conditions.
Chong’s bong business had a disclaimer stating it was not intended to be used for smoking marijuana. Eventually, the federal government intervened and took Chong to court. The reason? They believed that his disclaimer was simply a ruse to hide the obvious fact that his bongs were for smoking marijuana.
They took him to court and presented enough evidence to charge him under this claim. While this might sound a bit shocking and even ridiculous – this is the grey area that drug laws and drug paraphernalia fall under.
Synthol oil is no different. It can be sold to be used as an oil. It can’t be sold to be used as an injection. Of course, the company has no control over what a user does with a product after purchased. So if word of mouth is strong enough, a company can covertly sell synthol oil to majority audience who use it as an illegal drug.
Rick Collins ends the interview by stating, theoretically, if the federal government saw synthol oil injections as a big enough issue, they could start cracking down and making claims. So far that hasn’t happened. But just like Chong and his bong business, it is certainly possible.
You can watch Rick Collins Esq. explain in full detail by watching our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above.
(DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed int his video are that of the subject and not Generation Iron. The comments in this video should not be construed as legal advice).