Generation Iron Sadik 3 Days Out Mr. Olympia

Sadik looks unstoppable.

If you aren’t yet hyped up about this years Olympia competition then I have a few words for you. What the hell is wrong with you?! Sure, the event has certainly has had it’s hiccups. Kai Greene being unable to compete was a major blow that no one could have foreseen and it’s left a bad taste in the mouth of the fans, the pundits, and even the other competitors that looked forward to challenging the Predator. With that being said, there are more events than Men’s Open Bodybuilding that deserves a great deal of focus and like they say, the show must go on.

Since the announcement of the Classic Physiques division, everyone whose anyone has been speculating as to who could be joining the ranks of the newly created category. Sure, the division won’t be on display at this years event, but that hasn’t stopped everyone from sharing their thoughts on who could potentially dominate the category.

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Enter Sadik Hadzovic. Sure, the Physique competitor has already expressed his thoughts and opinions on whether or not he’ll be competing in the Classic Physique division. Sadik seems to be dedicated to his current division and has chosen to remain a Physique competitor. That being said, the bodybuilder has obviously cultivated a physical form that would easily translate over to the Classic Physique division. He’s built more like a Frank Zane than a Phil Heath, but he’s much larger than your average Physique competitor. Like many other competitors, Sadik has taken to social media to show off his improvements just days out from the show.

So what do you think? Will Sadik make stay at Physique or will he eventually jump over to the Classic division? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

GI Team
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